Kofi Gabs Strikes Again: "It's Easier For Criminals To Get A PhD Than A European Passport"

Kofi Gabs Strikes Again: "It's Easier For Criminals To Get A PhD Than A European Passport"

  • Kofi Gabs, the Ghanaian social media sensation, appears to be on a free ride of ridicule against PhD holders from Ghana
  • As criticism of his claim that the Dutch passport holds more value than a PhD grows, the more he keeps ridiculing the academia in Ghana
  • In a new video, Kofi Gabs, popularly referred to as Mr Happiness, says it is easier for a criminal to acquire a PhD than a Dutch passport

Kofi Gabs, the Ghanaian-turn-Dutch, who has angered many people on social media, is proving tougher to silence than his critics envisaged.

After he made that outlandish claim of the Dutch passport being more valuable than a PhD obtained from Ghana, many Ghanaians, who felt offended by his opinion scolded him and asked for an apology.

Kofi Gabs Strikes Again
Kofi Gabs Photo credit: @kofigabs/Instagram
Source: Instagram

For instance, Mr Kofi Nyarko, an old Holland borgar, who is also a citizen, has asked Kofi Gabs to shut up and end his social media shenanigans.

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A Ghanaian media personality, Kwame Obadie has also waded into the raging PhD versus Dutch passport debate, debunking Kofi Gabs' claims.

Using his kid brother as an example, Kwame Obadie said a PhD holds much more value than any passport in the world.

He said his kid brother, who is a PhD holder earns more in Ghana than Kofi Gabs would ever earn with his Dutch passport in the Netherlands.

Kofi Gabs is unrelenting

None of these criticisms, however, seemed to be getting to Kofi Gabs, also known as Mr Happiness, as he is unrelenting in "pressing the neck" of his critics and PhD holders in Ghana.

In a newly released video sighted by YEN.com.gh on TikTok, Mr Happines claimed that obtaining a PhD does not require rigorous background checks, suggesting that any unscrupulous individual could easily acquire one, unlike the Dutch passport.

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"Just for the record, even a criminal can get a PhD, but the criminal can never get a Western country's passport. Only the educated know this," he said.

Speaking to YEN.com.gh, Counsellor Daniel Fenyi said the Kofi Gabs comparison of his Dutch passport to a PhD from Ghana clearly shows how badly the country has been managed.

"The comparison is enough proof that Ghana is a complete mess and disappointment. These issues include poor job opportunities for highly educated individuals, brain drain, and underutilization of talent," he explained.

Below is the video shared on his TikTok page, @kofigabs.

Kofi Gabs shows five bedrooms house he has built in Ghana

Meanwhile, YEN.com.gh reported previously that Kofi Gabs, a Holland-based Ghanaian social media influencer showed photos of the beautiful five-bedroom house he has built in Ghana.,

He said he left these properties back home to find greener pastures abroad, buttressing his point that a Dutch passport was better than a PhD in Ghana.

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Source: YEN.com.gh

Salifu Bagulube Moro avatar

Salifu Bagulube Moro Salifu Bagulube Moro is a Human Interest Editor at YEN.com.gh. He has over six years of experience in journalism. He graduated from the Ghana Institute of Journalism in 2018, where he obtained a Bachelor’s Degree in Communication Studies with a specialization in Journalism. Salifu previously worked with Opera News as a Content Management Systems (CMS) Editor. He also worked as an Online Reporter for the Ghanatalksbusiness.com news portal, as well as with the Graphic Communications Group Limited as a National Service Person. Email: salifu.moro@yen.com.gh.

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