
A Ghanaian TikTok user residing in the US, known as Sika Mp3 Rof, has gone viral for expressing his dissatisfaction with life abroad, emphasizing its dullness.

Luca Pferdmenges, a German TikTok influencer, has caused a stir online by sharing how he got a Ghana visa, citing "donation" of $70 in addition to the $150 visa fee.

Ghanaian nurse Gordon Kaati, now living in the UK, expressed regret in an interview, stating that he believes he wasted his working years in Ghana compared to the UK

A 5-year-old girl's TikTok interview, where she claims to have had a boyfriend for two years and advises women to initiate conversations with men they like.

US-based Ghanaian social media sensation Twene Jonas faced a public rejection from a German lady during a live camera interaction after he proposed dinner.

Ghanaian YouTuber and UK-based nurse Nanelle Griselda emotionally reunited with her mother after 21 years of separation, sharing a touching moment.

A Nigerian woman in Australia who left her boyfriend to move abroad for opportunities has discovered that the men there are not interested in relationship.

Ghanaian student Rebecca's exceptional achievement of securing admission to Oxford University after excelling in her A-levels with AAA grades has got applause.

Prince Boateng, a Ghanaian man in US divorce court claims he lost communication with his girlfriend in Ghana for three months due to a lost phone on a flight.
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