GCB Bank branches and contacts
When counting the financial institutions of Ghana that have done well in the highly competitive market, GCB Bank features prominently among the top. With numerous GCB Bank branches spread across the country, it is a clear indication that this is a bank that has a high place in the market. GCB continues to thrive because of their quality services and excellent approach to solving customers' financial problems.

GCB bank has its headquarters in Accra, the capital city of Ghana. It is licensed by the Bank of Ghana, which is the national banking regulator. The bank’s shares of stock are listed on the Ghana Stock exchange and are part of the Ghana Stock Exchange all-share index. The largest shareholder is the Social Security and National Insurance Trust with a percentage ownership of 50.50% and the government of Ghana comes second with 21.36%. The article looks at GCB bank branches across Ghana together with their functioning contacts.
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GCB Bank in a nutshell
GCB Bank was established in 1953. It was initially known as the Bank of the Gold Coast. At its commencement, the Bank had only 27 Employees. Initially, the bank’s main focus was on Ghanaian farmers, traders and business persons who were unable to obtain finances from foreign banks. The bank was re-branded to Ghana Commercial Bank in 1957. It happened when the country attained its independence. The re-branding came after the Bank of Ghana had been created to function as the Central Bank and a banking regulator. At this point, Ghana Commercial Bank was to concentrate on Commercial banking.
The government wholly owned the Bank at the beginning. However, in 1996 when the shares of the government stood at 51.17%, the stock of the bank was listed on the Ghana Stock Exchange.
The Bank became GCB bank Ltd in 2013. With this new identity, the bank serves the financial needs of parastatal companies, small and medium enterprises and large corporations.
The vision of the bank is to be the leading bank in all their markets whereas its mission is to provide first-class banking solutions to their customers and value for all stakeholders.
Number of GCB Bank branches in Ghana
GCB Bank is the largest indigenous financial institution in Ghana. It goes therefore without saying that the bank has numerous offices spread across Ghana. GCB Bank has a lot of branches in the urban sectors of Ghana.
GCB Bank general contacts
- Phone number 1 +233 30 2672852
- Phone number 2 +233 30 2672853
- Phone number 3 +233 30 2672854
- Phone number 4 +233 30 2672859
- Phone number 5 +233 30 2672865
- Phone number 6 +233 30 2663480
- Phone number 7 +233 30 2664910
- Phone number 8 +233 30 2664918
Physical contacts
GCB head office,
P.O. Box 134,
Corporate affairs

- Head office telephone number +233 30 2663954
- Toll Free 0800422422
- WhatsApp 0202422422
- Email address: corporateaffairs@gcb.com.gh
GCB bank branches
GCB bank branches in Accra
1. Abelenkpe
- Phone number 1 +233 (0) 302769135
- Phone number 2 +233 (0) 302769142
- Fax number +233 (0) 302769137
- Email address: abelenkpemgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: PMB, Achimota School, Accra
2. Accra new town
- Phone number 1 +233 (0) 302222641
- Phone number 2 +233 (0) 302249773
- Fax number +233 (0) 302236935
- Email address: accranewtownmgr@gcb.com.gh
3. Burma camp
- Phone number 1 +233 (0) 302784182,
- Phone number 2 +233 (0) 30289546175, FAX: +233(0)30 2770341
- Postal address: P. O. BOX BC 268, BURMA CAMP, ACCRA
- Email address: burmacampmgr@gcb.com.gh
4. Dansoman
- Phone number 1: +233 (0) 30 2301409
- Phone number 2: +233 (0)30 2301410
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2301454
- Email address: dansomanmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: PMB 17, Dansonman estates
5. Kantamanto
- Phone number: +233(0)30 3966613
- Email address: kantamantomgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box CT1778
6. Adabraka
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2908000/1-2
- Email address: adabrakamgr@gcb.com.gh
7. Dome
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2420039
- Phone number 2: +233(0)30 2420041
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2420040
- Email address: domemgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: PMB, Atomic post office
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8. Circle
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2246008-15
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2663556
- Email address: circlemgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box AN 5709, Accra North
9. Kaneshie industrial
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2220551
- Phone number 2: +233(0)30 2220591
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2220591
- Email address: kanindmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 12513, Accra-North
10. Kaneshie market
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2229005
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2227568
- Email address: kanmktmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 171, Kaneshie
11. Kasoa main
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2862429
- Phone number 2: +233(0) 30 2862431
- Fax number: (0)30 2862430
- Email address: kasoamainmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal number: P. O. Box KS 557, Kasoa
12. Kasoa market
- Phone number: +233(0)30 28621881-3
- Fax number: (0)30 28621880
- Email address: kasoamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box KS 557, Kasoa

13. Kisseiman
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2410444
- Phone number 2: +233(0) 30 2410799
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2410724
- Email address: kisseimanmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O Box AT 1946, Achimota
14. Korle- Bu
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2666524
- Phone number 2: + 233 (0) 30 2666521
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2666524
- Email address: korle-bumgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 3852, Accra
15. Liberty
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2666631-7
- Phone number 2: +233(0)30 2663556
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2663556
- Email address: libertymgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box4443, Accra
16. Makola market
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2682278
- Email address: makolamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 4832, Accra
17. Ministries
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2673950
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2674150
- Email address: ministriesmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. box M88, Accra
18. Nima
- Phone number: +233 (0) 30 2222439
- Phone number: +233 (0) 30 2222441
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2222445
- Email Address: nimamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. box 5288, Accra-North
19. Airport city
- Phone number 1: +233(0)302 935669,
- Phone number 2: +233(0)302 935443
- Email address: airportcitymgr@gcb.com.gh
20. East Legon
- Phone number 1: +233 (0)302 501043
- Email address: eastlegonmgr@gcb.com.gh
21. Osu
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2774125
- Phone number: +233 (0) 0202011912
- Email address: osumgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. box 0212, Osu Accra
22. Republic house
- Phone number: 0302-680355
- Fax number: 0302-681812
- Email address: republicmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. box KS 557, Kasoa
23. Ring road West
- Phone number 1: +233 (0) 30 2224703
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 30 2225605
- Fax number: +233 (0) 30 2225270
- Email address: rrwmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX ST 498, Kaneshie, Accra
24. Tantra hill
- Phone number: +233 (0) 30 2412822
- Email number: tantrahillmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: PMB Tantra hill
25. Trade fair
- Phone number 1: +233 (0) 30 2778274
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 30 2774270
- Fax number: +233(0) 30 2778275
- Email address: tradefairmgr@gcb.com.gh
Postal Address: P. O. Box198, Trade Fair Centre, LA
26. Tema main
- Phone number: +233 (0)30 3204346
- Email address: temamainmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 152, Tema
27. Tema market
- Phone number 1: +233 (0)30 3202851
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 30 3202861
- Email address: temamktmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BoxCO173, Tema
28. Tema community 2
- Phone number: +233(0)303 214000
- Email address: temacomm2mgr@gcb.com.gh
29. Tema industrial
- Phone number 1: +233 (0) 30 3302818
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 30 3300575
- Fax number: +233 (0) 30 3306082
- Email address: temaindmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 8202, Tema IND area
30. Tema fishing harbour
Phone number: +233 (0) 30 3202413
Fax number: +233 (0)30 3202344
Email address: temahbrmgr@gcb.com.gh
Postal address: P. O. Box 281, fishing harbour
31. Ashaiman
- Phone number: +233 (0) 30 3306790
- Fax number: +233(0)30 3306606
- Email address: ashaimanmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX AS 199, Ashaiman
32. Gulf house - Tetteh quarshie circle
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 2506221
- Phone number 2: +233(0)30 2506198
- Phone number 3: +233(0)30 2506199
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2506223
- Email address: ttqmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: PMB LG 14, Legon
33. Madina
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2501241
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2501240
- Email address: madinamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 431, Madina
34. Spintex
- Phone number 1: +233 (0) 30 3816966
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 30 3816967
- Phone number 3: +233 (0) 30 3816968
- Email address: spintexroadmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 152, spintex
- Fax: 0302-816968
35. Nungua
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2715351
- Fax number: 2715366, MGR: 2715352
- Email address: nunguamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: PMB, Nungua
36. Tema safe bond
- Phone number 1: +233(0)30 3215588
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 30 3215576
- Fax number: 3215591
- Email address: safebondmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box CO 1737
37. Ashiaman Mandela park
- Phone number: +233 (0) 30 2906001
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2905935,
- Email address: ashaimanmpmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: C/O P. O. Box AS 199, Ashaima
38. Adenta shopping centre
- Phone number: +233(0)30 2522541
- Fax number: +233(0)30 2522542
- Email address: dentamarketmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box AF 2070, Adenta
39. Haatso
- Phone number 1: +233(0)303-966 759
- Phone number 2: +233(0)303-966 760
- Email address: haatsomgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box WY 2115 Kwabenya
40. Adjirigano
- Phone number 1: +233(0)303969960
- Phone number 2: +233(0)303969961
- Email address: adjiriganormgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P O Box MD 1727, Madina- Accra
41. Amasaman
- Phone number 1: +233(0)303969958
- Phone number 2: +233(0)303969959
- Email address: amasamanmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O Box AM 117, Amasaman
GCB Bank Kumasi branches

GCB Bank Kumasi branches are categorized under GCB bank Ashanti region. The following are the branches and their respective contacts.
1. Kumasi main
- Phone number 1: +233(0)32 2025291-3
- Phone number 2: (0)32 2037303, FAX: (0)32 2024569
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 852, KUMASI
- Email address: kumasimainmgr@gcb.com.gh
2. Suame magazine
- Phone number 2: +233 (0)322 494372
- Phone number 2: +233(0)322 494383
- Email address: suamemagazinemgr@gcb.com.gh
3. Asafo market
- Phone number 1: +233(0) 32 2023514
- Phone number 2: +233(0) 2045252
- Phone number 3: +233(0) 2045251
- Fax number: 2036721
- Email address: asafomgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 3696, Kumasi
4. Kwame Nkrumah University of Science& Technology
- Phone number 1: +233(0)32 2060153
- Phone number 2: +233 (0) 2062135
- Fax number: +233(0)322062137
- Email address: knustmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: Private post bag Kumasi
5. Kejetia
- Phone number 1: +233(0)32 2031446
- Phone number 2: +233(0)322044660
- Fax number: +233(0)32 2022692
- Email address: kejetiamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 1630, Kumasi
5. Mampong Ashanti
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2222329
- Fax number: (0)32 2222327
- Email address: mampongashantimgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 94, Mampong-Ashanti
6. Bekwai Ashanti
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 127, Bekwai, ASH
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2520143
- Fax number: +233 (0)32 2520204
- Email address: bekwai-ashantimgr@gcb.com.gh
7. Effiduasi Ashanti
- Postal address: P. O. Box 10, Effiduase
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2092173
- Email address: effiduasemgr@gcb.com.gh
8. Obuasi
- Postal address: P. O. Box 290, Obuasi
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2442669
- Fax number: +233(0)32 2440255
- Email address: obuasimgr@gcb.com.gh
9. Ejisu
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 49, EJISU
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2092480
- Fax number: +233(0)332 2020183
- Email address: ejisumgr@gcb.com.gh
10. New Offinso
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 60, New Offinso
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2091590
- Email address: offinsomgr@gcb.com.gh
11. Ejura
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 24, Ejura
- Phone number 1: +233(0)32 2097147
- Phone number 2: 2222006
- Email address: ejuramgr@gcb.com.gh
12. New Edubiase
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2094702
- Email address: edubiasemgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 42, New Edubiase
13. Ahinsan
- Phone number 1: +233(0)32 2028255
- Phone number 2: +233(0)32 2033452
- Phone number 3: +233(0)32 203719
- Phone number 4: +233(0)32 2031964
- Fax number: +233(0)32 2024569
- Email address: ahinsanmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 8818, Ahinsan, Kumasi
14. Agona Ashanti
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2091820
- Email address: ashantiagonamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 16, Agona Ashanti
15. Jubilee house
- Phone number 1: +233 (0)32 2030819
- Phone number 2: +233 (0)32 2026366
- Fax number: +233(0)32 2025070
- Email address: jubileemgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box SE 1212, Suame, Kumasi
16. Nkawie
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2092192
- Email address: nkawiemgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. BOX 69, Nkawie
17. Harper road
- Phone number 1: +233(0)32 2081880
- Phone number 2: (0)32 2081881
- Fax number: (0)32 2081882
- Email address: harperroadmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box KS 14751, Kumasi
18. Bantama
- Phone number+233(0)32 2048820
- Fax number: +233(0)32 2048823
- Email address: bantamamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box PT 80, Kumasi
19. Tech Junction
- Phone number 1: +233 (0)32 2064830
- Phone number 2: +233 (0)32 2064800
- Fax number: +233(0)32 2064831
- Email address: techjunctionmgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal number: P. O. Box 1151, Kumasi
19. Dunkwa-on-offin
- Phone number: +233 (0)33 2228236
- Fax number: +233(0)33 2228673
- Email address: dunkwamgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 228, Dunkwa-on-Offin
20. Yeji
- Phone number: +233(0)35 2722008
- Phone number: +233(0)32 2222006
- Email address: yejimgr@gcb.com.gh
- Postal address: P. O. Box 29, Yeji
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GCB Saturday banking services
In what seemed as an initiative to make their services more accessible, GCB Bank has introduced Saturday banking in most of their branches. The move aims at availing services to their customers who are unable to access the services on weekdays.
The following are the GCB Bank Saturday banking branches:
- Kantamanto
- Ashaiman-Mandela
- Cape Coast coronation
- A&C Mall
- Osu Oxford Street
- Abbossey Okai
- Okaishie
The contacts of the banks are on the list above.
Company services
GCB bank is a financial institution. As a bank, the institution offers the following services.
Money transfers
An easy and fast money transfer within Ghana and internationally.
The Company offers e-products such as internet banking, electronic banking, Personal loans, and Money transfers.
This account is for you if you are living abroad and wish to maintain a financial link with Ghana. The service enables you to open, control and manage your bank account from wherever you are.
24Hrs loan
This service makes it possible for you to get a loan right in time when you need it.
GCB Bank is one of the best financial institutions in Ghana. With its useful services, this is a bank which offers financial solutions to your problems. If you wish to contact any of their branches, the contacts above can be used. Also visit any of the GCB Bank branches for a personal encounter with the bank.
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Source: YEN.com.gh